There's been a lot of talk recently about grace. Becci B commented on inthesource.blogspot.com how much Christians like to talk about grace on their blogs. Long may it continue!
The last couple of weeks have been difficult in various ways. At the risk of sounding dramatic I'd say they have been the most spiritually challenging three weeks I can remember. For a moment, I thought I might loose a lot of things I hold dear. When you consider the possibilty that you might loose everything you realise with greater clarity that if you did, what actually would remain? when all else goes, all you have left is grace. I've been imagining what life might be like if, really, all I had left was grace. Would it be enough?
Is grace enough? Today I can say with all my heart, yes. It's enough. It's more than enough, It's all that we have. Not just that, it gives us everything else we hold dear. The only reason I can cry over loosing so much is because it is given to me by grace in the first place. It's grace that gives all and grace that allows all to remain. I don't thaink I've ever appreciated grace as much as I have these last couple of days.
Please, Christian bloggers, don't ever get tired of talking about grace.
In the words of one dear Irishman, "When she goes to work you can hear her strings, grace finds beauty in everything"